Virtual Air2000
Welcome to Europe's leading leisure Virtual Airline
Virtual Air2000 was created in November 2000 with the aim of being an Innovative friendly, proffesional and realistic virtual airline.
From the humble behinnings of just 3 pilots it has grown to become a well-known brand and has recruited a select crew of over 50 regular flyers.
On march 1st 2001 we launched our new Luxury Long-Haul Division 'Ultima' effectively creating two VA's that work side by side.
With schemes such as the Pilot Rewards scheme with real rewards to the Virtual Payroll it is little wonder why we are officialy known as "Europe's Leading Leisure Virtual Airline"
From our four main UK Hubs, Bristol EGGD, Gatwick EGKK, Birmingham EGBB and Manchester EGCC we fly to an extensive range of destinations worldwide, although our core business is short to medium haul holiday charter flying for First Choice Virtual
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